So what's the deal with Vitamin D? Several studies are calling it into question

 Vitamin D studies are giving us reason to question the efficacy and safety of taking vitamin d. After recent testing of several thousand Covid-19 patients, vitamin d deficiency was a factor which spurred widespread advocacy for taking Vit D to reduce your chances of catching the Corona virus. Data Sleuths sniffed out several studies showing not only the risks of deficiency such as Alzimers, depression, muscle pain and hair loss; interestingly enough some studies showed that getting too much Vitamin D can be harmful to one's health as well. 
ConscienHealth has listed 14 responses to serious concerns about the multiple studies about Vitamin D. 

Though taking vitamin supplements have become the norm for most Americans, getting the nutrients we need come from a well balanced diet full of those nutrients. The greatest resource of vitamin d being the great source of all life on planet Earth; the Sun.



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